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Network Rail Scrap Pee Fee

No more panicky pocket-fumbling at Paddington. No more ‘getting-change-for-a-fiver’ at Liverpool Street. Finally, Network Rail have made the loos at London’s major train stations  completely FREE!

Up until this week, you’ve had to pay to use the public toilets in London’s main train stations. But King’s Cross, London Bridge and Liverpool Street Stations, amongst many others, no longer charge you to use their loos.

And it’s about time.

Too often you’ve been on one of London’s trains during your commute and desperately needed the toilet. You’ve hopped off at a major station, certain there’s a loo there, only for you to realise you do not have the fifty pence piece you need to use it. 

Network Rail say they are “putting their passengers first” and that they want to make journeys more “hasslefree”. 

Charges for other loos in London’s main stations were scrapped more than two years ago. These included London Victoria and Canon Street. Network Rail also stopped charging passengers at various stations outside of London, such as at Leeds, Liverpool Lime Street and Manchester Piccadilly.

The decision will surely be a relief (no pun intended!) for all commuters on London’s trains. 

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